Bayfield High School Bayfield High School

Level 3 Chemistry

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr P. Spiers.

Recommended Prior Learning

An achieved grade in all three external achievement standards at Level 2 and 8 Mathematics credits at Level 2.

The topics you will cover include atomic structure, aqueous solutions, equilibrium, energy in reactions, redox reactions and organic chemistry. You will learn about processes in chemistry and their interaction with people and the environment. You will also be required to conduct an extended practical investigation. You will learn through a mixture of experimental and theory lessons.  

Learning Areas:


Assessment Policy & Procedures
Career Pathways

Chemist, Chemical Engineer, Biotechnologist, Energy and Chemical Plant Operator, Environmental Engineer, Food Technologist, Agricultural/Horticultural Scientist, Agricultural Technician, Pathologist, Marine Biologist, Clinical Physiologist, Physician, Science Technician, Podiatrist, General Practitioner, Gynaecologist/Obstetrician, Psychiatrist, Environmental Scientist, Forestry Scientist, Radiation Oncologist, Retail Sales Assistant, Pharmacist


Optional workbook (cost approximately $26). This is highly recommended as it is a valuable resource to supplement classwork.
1 x ringbinder
refill pad
5 Tab indices


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