Teacher in Charge: Mr M. Moffitt.
This course is suitable for all students, even those who did not do level 1 or Level 2 Computing. The course is tailored to the individual students’ needs and previous experience with computers. They will obtain a range of text and data entry, communications and design skills. Programs used include Microsoft Word, Excel, Access and Desktop Publishing.
Credits are offered from Unit Standard assessments across Level 2 and 3; depending on each student’s previous experience.
Term 1
This course is built around independent learning programs to suit the needs, abilities and prior knowledge of students. This means there is no set program for topic order; it will be designed to suit the interest and needs of the students.
Receptionist, Software Developer, Graphic Designer, Information Technology Helpdesk/Support Technician, Storeperson, Personal Assistant, Early Childhood Teacher, Packhouse Worker
Equipment/StationeryEar phones with a 3.5mm Audio jack
Example: https://www.noelleeming.co.nz/shop/audio/headphones-earphones/wired-earphones/sony-mdre9lpb-in-ear-headphones-black/prod111362.html?gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8LrQl_fN6wIVSHZgCh3b9gN_EAQYAiABEgISk_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
this information may vary